We love it when our clients post photos of our designs on their social media pages. Thank you Dr. Kailes and Pam for the shout out. And thanks S & J for printing our design just perfectly. We love working with other small businesses!
Identity & Graphic Design
3 Reasons to Consider the Website Favicon When Designing a Logo
A website favicon (favorites icon) is a small graphic (usually 16×16 pixels) associated with a particular website, and it appears in a browser’s URL bar, tabs, and bookmarks. When I design logos, I always consider the favicon because:
Cuddle up to your design partner and watch Helvetica
Love it or hate it, you can’t escape the typeface Helvetica. Logos for major brands such as 3M, Microsoft, Toyota, Staples, and American Airlines are set in Helvetica. You’ll also find this popular sans-serif typeface on IRS forms, street signs, and in word processing software. Last summer marked Helvetica’s 50th anniversary and the release of Helvetica, a feature-length independent film by Gary Hustwit about typography and graphic design. I missed the screening in Orlando last fall, so I was happy when it became available on Netflix.