Celebrating 11 Years

Motionbuzz.com is eleven years old today! Sonja and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients, partners, vendors, and friends. We look forward to many more years of success.

Yeah. That’s Roman for 11.

We’re one of the most experienced web design shops in Jacksonville. We survived the dot-com bust, the post-9/11 downturn, and The Great Recession. Yeah, I know. Super impressive. But there’s more: we did it without investors, bail outs, business loans, a trust fund, or an inheritance from Old Grandpa Moe.

But we haven’t just survived. We’ve thrived.

What’s the secret?

Sweat. Lots of sweat. And desire. And a dash of luck.

Let our entrepreneurial experience work for you. We’re expert bootstrappers. Contact us if you need help with marketing, branding, web design, or video production.

Learn more about our humble beginnings and how a married couple can successfully work together.

We’ll be rolling out some awesome promotions as part of our Year XI Celebration. Keep in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter.